Air Sign

Libra is ruled by the Venus and belongs to the air element. This element symbolizes intellect, communication, and social interaction. Venus is ruling in this sign which governs love, beauty, harmony and relationships.

Libra is a natural born skilled diplomats who value harmony and balance in their life. They have a natural ability to see both sides of a situation and seek fair and equitable solutions. They are charming, sociable and tactful individuals who excel in social settings.

They have a strong sense of justice and fairness. They want a world where everyone is treated with equality and respect. They are naturally drawn into arts and music. They could be indecisive at times, because they find themselves needing the time to weight every possible details and find out what it entails whenever they make a choice.

Crystals For Libra


    Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue semi-precious stone that has been prized for millennia. It is believed that Lapis Lazuli stimulates desire for knowledge, wisdom and understanding, as well as associated with enhancing communication skills in both verbal and written form. With Libra’s inclination towards fairness and justice, its association wit truth and honesty fits very well. Libra has a natural pursuit of balancing, intellect and deeper understanding of all things, Lapis will be of great assistance to enhance these areas.


    Aquamarine is known for its calming energy and is often associated with clarity of mind and inner peace. Aquamarine helps with clear communiction and facilitate honest and open dialogue. It helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Wearing Aquamarie will help Libra people to express themselves effectively, fostering harmonious relationships, and cultivate their inner peace and confidence they so needed to maintain a balance in both their mind and spiritually.


    While Citrine is not traditionally associated with Libra, it offers some amazing qualities that can benefit them greatly. Citrine is often referred as the “merchant’s stone”, due to its association with abundance and wealth. Libra who appreciate balance and harmony in all aspects of life, may find that wearing citrine helps supporting their desire for financial stability and material well-being. Citrine is also beleved to radiate such positive energy that will uplift Libra’s spirit, which will help them to maintain positivity even in challenging situations.


    Labradorite’s best qualities sit in balance, intuition, protection and creativity can positively complement the traits for Libra people. Labradorite can also stimulate creativity and inspire artistic expression that Libra would strive for. Libra people will also find the grounding energy offered by Labradorite reassuring and protective.


    Moonstne is a beautiful gemstone associaed with intuition and emotional balance. Libras value harmony and balance in their relationships and surroundings, and Moonstone’s soothing energy can help Libras navigate their emotions with grace and maintain emotional equilibrium, fostering inner peace and harmony for everything they do. In addition, Moonstone provides a sense of security nd protection, it will help Libras to enjoy exploring new territories with ease.


    Overall, Yellow Agate is considered a stone of positivity, creativity and empowermet, offering energetic support for those seeking balance and embrace their confidence to achieve balance in a world that is inherently chaotic. Yellow Agate also helps bring grounding energy to whoever needs it and brings brightness, warmth and optimism especially if one suffers from fatigue and tireness.

LIBRA (23 Sep - 21 Oct)

Libra, symbolised by the scales, is the sign of marriage and partnership. Librans are balanced, serene, temperate, intellectual, analytical and harmonious.

Libra enjoy using artistic talents or talking about art with people who are in the know. Advanced ideas please you and good conversation about them makes Libra happy. When beauty and harmony are strongly in evidence in your environment, you glow with a happy light.

Libra loves being consulted on matters and may often settle disputes among friends very amicably. They need love and a soul mate who brings them into practical use of their talents. Real happiness is achieved by active work and results that are admired.

Domestically, Libra always preserve the home and puts great care into it. In business, Libra excel in matters of judgement, analysis and instinctive reasoning.

As Venus rules this sign, her sway gives Libra people the taste and ability to select beautiful things. houses, furnishings, ornaments and paintings, or decorations and design in all of the branches are suitable professions for Libra.

Librans regard their spare time as very precious, and they must make sure that they have plenty to do. They don’t like being alone especially comes to leisure time. Things of natural beauty attract Librans. They love to go walking with friends as this allows them to chat while enjoying pleasing scenery. Naturally artistic themselves, Librans enjoy going to art galleries, museums, theatres and concerts.

Librans love conversations, understanding between themselves and other people is something they work hard at, and they will always go that extra mile to get it to the bottom. They are always known for weighing up all sides of every issue and are not usually quick to make up their minds. But their final decisions, once reached, are invariably fair.